If you know me personally, but you don’t normally take in my video content, I ask that you go watch 20 minutes worth of anything else on the YouTube channel before you watch this. Weird request, right? Why? Because you are going to think I’ve gone off the rails with curse words and personal stories. I will seem too much in contrast to the person you’ve only read or met in real life.
If you are brand new here, WELCOME! Stay here. Just don’t always expect me to be this spicy. Haha.
If you’re related to me by blood or marriage…juuuust skip this one. It’s not an accurate depiction and you’re too close. Obviously, I’m not your mom, but don’t lose it if you watch and feel really weird.
My tongue is a lot looser than my typing fingers (although I’m working to get them closer together).
Topics in the video:
degunking the garage door mechanism
princesses don’t do manual labor
It’s too cold (for anything, especially manual labor)
first day of my period
I need help from men/manual labor/hands-on tasks
my aversion to dirt
I’m not unlike my mom
We also had a drainage issue
“That’s a transaction I can get behind”
Follow-Up Questions
What’s a gender neutral princess?
How many of my single female friends have a man to do things around the house?
Who takes care of the women?
I can but I don’t want to
How else is it gonna get done?